Today's Headlines:
Garlic Clove Dies After Heroic Battle with Vampire
Area Dogs Wage War On Latest Blurry Hint of Motion
Studded Tires Still Fear Lonely Scourge of Summer
Harpoon Collectors Pine For Good Ole Whalin' Days
Drill Enthusiast Mourns Flickering Battery Indicator
Idle Sled Dogs Implicated in Neighbor's Yard Poo; Owner Weary of Action
George W. Bush Confused by Own Confusion - Confused by Middle Part Too;neo-Con Implicated
Okay, really, that last part has become a cheap shot - let's move on as a nation to get to the serious work part. The WE Change part. The one from the: "make change" and "be the change you want to see."
So, we let sleeping dogs lie, let the old ways be old ways and only hinder them as they clash with the new ways, but mostly we do things like new ways are good ways are usually hard ways.
I know. That wasn't even a sentence at the end.
But, that isn't the end of it is it. What is it? It's punishment. How many more Cheneys and Rumsfelds and I know, I know, there are more like a statistician would know where the ever-elusive truth of an entity like government lay exactly - exactly how many favors and deals are on the up and up, and how many are on the take, and how many many many of them are one part one and another part both. oOOh la la. Howdy holler. Did someone say profit motive? But, what is legislation but opportunity knocking. Who's checking? Chequeing? Who checkered the board and grew up playing checkers?
Was that even a question at the end? Government obviously would benefit from transparency to air out dirty laundry, that left to itself must be relatively festering. Their higher selves won't mind the intervention. They obviously need someone else's discretion to help direct them to appropriate venues for their adversarial predilictions, like hockey matches or NASCAR beer lines. Who doesn' t want to stand in a beer line?
Whatever. I've never been to a hockey game. But in any one idividual's life is the government really that much of a problem? Well, maybe yes for some, maybe some places many, but our problems usually reside closer to home, where we could act locally.
Now that Obama doesn't need our help being lifted to the highest office, our collective energies will be where? Ascending? Dissipating? Who will we lift up now?
We're all bastards unless we quit spending so much money on bombs and other ways to kill people. No One Person wants to kill people (though we're all revved up and anxious so...), we'll discount the rediculous few of you who do - so let's not ever be the aggressors. Let's work within whatever systems have been created to do the good we want to do, and then solve our aggressive problems with cooperative powers. Of course we reserve the rights: to change our minds, to help fix the system we're working in (the UN? too scary to give up a bit of sovereignty for the good of the world - okay we'll start with all these crazy trade agreements instead), to be proud of who we are and what we do so much that our skills and products and information are sought after the world around. God bless THAT America - the one that sees past the noise of our pollution informational and otherwise, and squashes the idea that it's ok to finish your job as President with SUCH UNREASONABLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS (U.S. LEGAL MILITARY TORTURE, DOMESTIC SPYING AND OTHER DISEASES OF THE PATRIOT ACT, BANKRUPTCY ACT RE-REFORMING, FAIRNESS DOCTRINE REINSTATEMENT, PUTTING "CLEAN" BACK IN CLEAN AIR ACT, CLEAN WATER ACT, AND how about...
...sending our sons and daughters to die solely on the basis that you thought it was the "right" thing to do. There is evidence Mr. Bush that you took this country for a killing spree intentionally for baseless reasons. You fooled us twice. Shame on us.
We're starting all over again. Not easy, but this time we'll pay more attention. This time we'll find time to. This time we'll disregard all the meaningless things that distract us from the larger picture. This time we'll negotiate a better deal for ourselves, finding ways to work harder and pay ourselves first and pay our community too. We could rely on bread and share it too, so why can't money do that too, and time and truth, count those in too? Of course we will, of course we do.