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In addendum to previous posts:
I'm after something that will abort cynicism while putting skepticism to good use.
Look at the Tea Partiers. (That's OUR Tea dammit - we love and appreciate tea and understand history better then ya'll lock-in-steppers know what to do with). They wax vitriolic only which gives them power - yet here we are dimming our own torch to make room for the likes of those who want the biggest tent possible. Well, I do want a biggest tent, but I know there's more and more (and more and more) willing to step one step out of the tent to guard the lashings of the biggest tent - to sell concessions to the coming and going tent-goers who want to pay attention instead of aums to the cause.
The money isn't what makes it work for the other side, the other, the they, nor is it the anger. Though neither of these are anything but helpful to the march step progress of their cause, the only ingredient we need to zero in on is their focus - their attention to matters they claim to care about. Showing up - saying aums and in their case paying it (where we must begin to sit noticeably and visibly like bums, speaking the mantra of change just to hear the chant heard, simultaneously and ever attempting to up the ante they set about being simple, focused, faithful devote-ants to our unabashed and stringent ideals - the only thing capable of clearing the clutter, moving back towards the poles, and having masses track more than five issues at a time, but instead at once declare a knowledge/homegrown-education about every position in the field that we can see from our spot in the stands and yet easily and unfalteringly keeping to a core refrain to counter their core refrain: "no socialism/we don't want your revolution" says they, "burn the fucking insurance companies and have the nuts to start from scratch honestly, admitting fault where fault is due and understanding that just because such ideas seem like the walls of Jericho falling to you {note: I have no idea what "falling walls of Jericho" really means and have been informed by the red line that I don't even know how to spell Jericho} to us, the silent-awaiting-unplugging-majority and all those soon to swell to our cause and mission statement, anything less than screaming 'hell no, we refuse to believe the majority of the crap they've fed us, and we're not afraid of anything let alone blowhards because (and although your bible may have some claims that you all avidly swear too) we have basic knowledge, legal precedent, common morality, reason, free information, volunteerism, the Enlightenment, Science, and the most ecumenical Golden Rule tradition of world religions all on our side. Lastly, we say to your tea-total-partying ways, that as a linebacker to that defensive and offensive line up I just rang out from the top of my filled and resolute heart, we can go straight to the dirt, arm ourselves to the teeth, and bite the ears off ill-listeners with the best of you shits just as quickly and easily as you, and yet with more power and efficacy, cause we'll never shoot first, since to us it is perfectly natural that the Mother Bear stay in the den sedated until the last, greatest and most dire need for her are witnessed - oh, and we reserve the right to unabashedly believe that our toil and keen minds are more than handy enough to know exactly when the time is right for such a last resort"; standing in silence or even shushing in reverence to the Unites States flag (yet while we need to be not simple-minded enough to desecrate, cheapen and commodify the flag by dangling flags from our cars and trucks, or wearing flag flare like a T.G.I.Friday's/patriotic salute to symbol-mindedness); showing up more charities, $upporting them, the children, the elderly; saying no to government handouts because we the folk of United Statesians know better, more efficient ways, and look to our Quaker brethren who know easily how to live off of the gridmap you try and stick our legs into the ground with. We walk better than you, tea bangers. Our online/USPS union of new politics may be a mash up, but we stick to the ribs of the hungriest political souls in the world: The North American Republic of the United States of America, the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave New World, and Keepers of the Constitution, the Supreme Surveyors and Stewards of the Heritage of a Whole World Full of Children.
Back to class.
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