Starting at the beginning.
If I could travel into the past, I'd travel to see famous court cases and meet "influential" figures from history. Funny thing is, to really improve my intuition about history (not just my knowledge of those elements of history that have made it into our collective story many many years later), I'd have to go back in time and just become a regular average bloke of the day. Today we read about events or more likely see somebody's video clip, and these things become who we are, and what our legacy will be into ...
you, know, this isn't going the right way here.
Let me start over.
Starting in the middle of everything...
This is what I've learned. In Social Psychology class, I learned that some people like me are high-self-monitors, meaning they really take what other people think to heart, and consequently get most of their rewards and jollies by being surrounded by people who like them. Also interesting is that scientifically, people in a group will let a fellow human being die by inaction in a large enough crowd of anonymity (like at a football game or something - not that I really give a fluck about football). It is sad, but in Social Psychology we learn that people aren't that put off enough by inflicting other people pain, if an authority tells them that what is happening is important. I can't remember the name of the contraption that delivers electrical shocks, but I now wonder if maybe just being put into a small room with a weird humming machine, a camera, and a person in a white lab coat doesn't freak you out enough to make you do just about anything at first, and that once you realize what you're doing (which may not happen if you're sufficiently scared) you'd say something. I mean, maybe people in the 60's and 70's were complete pushovers, but...
I'm tired of the religion vs. no religion thing. Nobody today could give a concise definition of any loaded word like Liberal or Conservative, (that would be a great experiment by the way - do a random survey and calculate how fuzzy the definitions of certain words are...there's probably people already doing that though huh...), nobody could give a concise definition of these loaded words like religion or evolution or christian or non-christian or ...
anyway, the problem with this, and coupled with the fact that human beings require In-Group/Out-Group thinking (more Social Psychology), is that whenever people talk about these things, they are only rarely well-defined in both context to the discussion at hand, and with context to the other types of conversations being held by similar people. In that way, on a higher plateau of abstraction if you will, the small problem of fuzziness of definition becomes a big problem of fuzziness of definition. How do dimensions of reality among billions of people and millions of families and hundreds of thousands of cities, and tens of thousands of States, and thousands of Countries, maybe hundreds, dozens of Oceans, a few Continents, one whole world, among the ?limitless? fast does that become complicated, and where we started, two people talking about their dogged or undogged beliefs about everything (insert Universe here)...and they aren't even talking about the same thing? How does that ever work at all? Surely, even the masses can do better.
With regard to discipline, I find it a difficult prospect to set guidelines for a child, one that will come to this house via stork, and still want to be it's clown too...
I hate it when the people who stare into an ultrasound and smile and say, (shudder) "god has a special purpose for you," and then in the same lifetime turn on "enemies" or fellow citizens and shout with anger, "god has a special purpose for you, sucker." On the other hand, I secretly quite like it when my own cadre, which is all about community and equality and a collaborative spirit, can say no, no, we're going home now, you guys get paid more than we do so you're stuck with this task.
You see, shit rolls downhill, but it can be thrown back a little ways, or even just flung while shouting ewww, i've got crap on my foot.
The Insurance Companies must die. Put 'em in a ring with the lions and see who comes out victorious.
I want to see a movie, a 1 in 300 kind of movie, about a Woody Allen looking guy who dominates the gladiator ring in the Chariot Days of Rome.
The Bible is really really neat guys, but don't you the that human authors are a wee bit more up to date from, say, even just the last thousand years or so. Can we maybe at least skip to the industrial revolution to find out what the Creator that determines the precise nature of all of our Afterlives might think about things. Are we expected to keep translating dead languages from crumbling scrolls, or even paying attention to Medieval King Publishing Houses, on and on into the year 10,000 when we're all made of straws and puffing up like galaxies... oh right, the apocalypse, now or whenever, right. good luck with that. call us when you want to come home.
I think priests from old religions should start being referred to by enlightened people as Church Captains.
Take Math-amphetamines to stimulate your logical brain. My buddy worked on an alphabet sudoku puzzle today. It's cells defied counting, and it used A-Y instead of 1-9; a whole milkshake worth of brain freeze in every move.
My aim in creating a political party is to start convincing people that yes, we can, doesn't have to be capitalized, donated to, worked hard on, or made impossible by corporate media. The nerds have done their part in bringing up the internet, dreamed of by sci-fi dreamers ever since computers were made of data card stock and gears, and, ...iron beasts...John Lennon was a dreamer...but didn't write sci-fi...
anyway, My aim in creating a political party is to start a little something over. Here's what that little something is, viewed through a microscope:
Two people who are somewhat acquaintances, both educated by roughly the same system, or possibly educated roughly by the same system, decide both sincerely that they want to come to terms with how each of them views the world. The one says, I believe x. and the other says, y, why I oughtta - you know what pisses me off about you x's is that you don't y. And x says, but y, y, y , y , y , y! So I say x. and then Y says. Y! Y ! Y!!Y!YY!Y!!!!. and then x says X! x x x X! ! !!! x X!. and the reason neither of them can say anything else is because they haven't been taught all that ancient greek stuff and modern peace-knik organic shit neither, and they don't have the same definition of the same word, and their both trapped by Social Psychology, and each one is willing to let the other have it every chance the get. But they don't see their own history, and the fact that every argument is more like hitting back for the last thing you heard them say. We are humans, we do get cranky.
But, hopefully along can come Z, and suddenly X and Y don't have so much to fear because they're all a bit different from each other. Z gives X and Y something to talk about, and in order to get together, X and Y don't have to hold both hands with each other and cause so much static electricity. Instead they each take one of Z's hands, and then hold hands with each other with just one hand, and even if they let go for a minute they still have a hand to hold, and they can maybe all conceive an A together...
okay this turned into an allegory, and then a weird allegory, and now I really need to sleep...
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