Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Facebook Wish To The Happy Couple

Michaela H
‎9 days to go... I am still confident in my decision even after watching the Tosh.O piece that explains that everything when you get married gets way way way way way worse :)
6 hours ago · Like ·

Jennifer Lucas Duffy and 7 others like this.

Catherine Helle Being married only makes things more awesome, fuck Tosh.0
4 hours ago · Like

Jordan Norquist Just wait. :)
4 hours ago · Like

William S Jamison NOT! At least for the guy it gets way better.
about an hour ago · Like

Michaela H ‎:)
about an hour ago · Like

William S Jamison I obviously can't speak for the other.
about an hour ago · Like

Melissa Cahak Bruesch I love being married, it only gets worse if you don't tend the garden. Loves needs work to continue to grow.
38 minutes ago · Like

[author mentally seconded Melissa's sentiments]
Phillip Bunker Just as youth cannot fully distinguish between right and wrong, which is something that wisdom, growth and perspective, among other things, brings; also as teens cannot define themselves nor muster enough balance for independent living as well as young adults very naturally do (depending on the young adult, I'd have to throw in from my personal experiences : ); so does the young pair go through the myriad personally unique yet, indefinably, commonly experienced changes and events arrived at from the simple powerful act of bonding. Living together, images: who's in my bathroom, I'm so sick of x, y and z, but you ALWAYS make me choose, I just kinda hate you today. Being married for 10 years - a snapshot: I had no idea how supernova this heart could feel; I can't imagine my own being without having been guided, influenced and spiritually awakened by this magnificent person who I know far better than I yet know myself; remember that time we got stuck in the mud and thought, silly-ly that we were maybe going to die on that highway, and then we met that crazy guy but everything turned out so perfect and we still have that trinket souvenir and no we're NEVER going to get rid of it; this baby is half me, half you, and I never knew what family really could mean to me until I held him up in front of your family and my family and everyone gathered there was his family. Some or all or none of these things will happen to you, but chances are, you'll have some kind of comparable, wonderful, long road. Not to dissetate (? no) on the subject, but I'm such a sentimental sometimes. Good times, bad times, together times, alone times, and most of all, timeless times. I know you'll do great. : )
a few seconds ago · Like