Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here's What I Want For The World

I want someone to build a Mega-Piston Facility - something I made up in my head.

This facility will generate energy from combustibles. It will have a massive chamber, like a gasoline engine, but the CO2 and other exhausts will be sucked out by hoards of bacteria or algae, and instead of gasoline, it will be powered by nuclear and non-nuclear weapons alike - bullets, explosives scheduled for wasted demolish-uhhh-ment (I'm aware that isn't a word really), missiles, but mostly nuclear weapons. We'll build it on Antarctica, but it can only exist if we make sure it is fully contained of all but the most numerically negligible - heck, we may get fresh water out of the deal, but we must preserve what we have and not just bottle it up. I'm not saying we can't make gobssss of money, but more importantly, I'm just not sure we should go messing around in Antarctica without reasonable assurances that we won't cause El Ninyo times a Google (which, by the way is still a number). Forget it. You're all doomed to blow each other up anyway, so what's the point in trying to argue for the conservation of one measly little sustainably developed zone.

Anyway, this blatherskite-vapor Peace Energy machine will of course be shaped like a peace sign and the tunnels in the midst of this radian wind tunnel will be coated with strong magnetic repulsors, and the whole system will be a cross between your 'wind tunnel' vaccum and a nuclear detonation transistor/world dearmament solution.

There you go world, I just gave us salvation for free. And remember, you get what you pay for, as they say. Unless its free parking - that's a whole lot more.

Surely there's someone who can do such things in seven days or less.

Maybe the Ebenezers of old kept our cities flush with capital since people had to live all together back then in abject poverty. The middle managers could alienate everyone like Mr. Burns, then turn warm and donate their dying inheritance to building park benches, or some other thing - scholarships, orphanages - money in private hands buying good-will for dollars on the penny in the end. Does Tiny Tim's story get told in the modern fairey tales? Where are the heroes around us all? I'm pretty sure they are there, seen or unseen.

Maybe we could make some tiny black holes or something to put in the middle of it.

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