Friday, January 22, 2010

I Bring To You A Message Of Hope

First of all, wealth abounds in the United States. Those who seek to part you from your wealth prefer if you feel otherwise, but we are in no danger of running out of stuff in the United States. It is only recently in human history that wealth has become such a complicated idea. In the olden days, humans, the animals we are and aren't any different from our forbears, humans needed food and warmth and each other. Once farming came along, our idea of wealth was plenty to eat, and some extra for preserving or fermenting (luxury). At some point we became fans of jewelry, clothing, tools, and weapons. Now, for a very long time, that was the sum total of wealth and what wealth could be. A very long time. Food, jewelry, clothing, tools, and weapons, together with how fancy your abode is, was all wealth meant for a long time. There was also State wealth, a different kind of wealth, or the wealth of a King, but even for Ancient Egypt, compared to the modern costs associated with living a luxurious lifestyle, the Pharoah was pretty frugal, choosing instead to spend vast riches on pointy buildings that he'd try to live forever in.

Every Public chooses how to spend it's collective wealth. There is a much more complicated version of that truth, but for now, let's just keep in mind that people have overcome every institutional and beuracratic paradigm that has come before.

The United States is filled with many people who think our land and peoples are threatened by outsiders (or from within, but we quickly associate those insiders as quacks or having been affected by outsiders). Statistically speaking, as near as I can figure, most of the people who think this the most, vehemently, are also far less likely to know any facts or even events going on in the world around them. By some magic property of algebra, therefore, I presume to state without proof that the above implies that we are in fact not under threat. Near as I can figure, the United States gets a housing bubble bursting, like an economic pimple on our big powerful face, and the whole world goes for a tailspin: China makes legislation, the E.U. takes a hit, and even places like Dubai suddenly look like the monopoly guy when he's shrugging with his out-turned pockets empty. Nobody is going to come and hurt us, except maybe the stray suicide bomber, but they can't really take out more than a few hundred of us, or thousands in the most extreme case I can think of - so destroying any sizable chunk of the United States at that point would literally take thousands of suicide bombers, or tens of thousands. Good luck getting that many humans to do that. I'm sure the T-Party has the right idea on how to create that kind of zealot.

My point is, no one is coming to get us, we decide what happens here, and the big awful bullies that we think the hate-mongers are, are so dependent on us that even a little zit sends them all flurrying and panicking. They are the ones who can't live without wealth. We are the ones who need only food and warmth and each other.

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