Friday, March 19, 2010

Because If You Are Bold and Accurate Enough, You Might Get Meaningful Feedback

And you only need one reason to write. Or dance. Or jump over a fence. Or tear down a stone wall with your bare hands one pebble at a time...

Sorry. Pk here, and kind of started with what should be excerpt from my poetry...something so wimpy about that word poetry...and so neccessarily something funny and odd about the term Slam Poetry. It's like SLAM! ~pohhh-uhh-tree

So clearly my brain is fried. I've never had a class like the one I'm in right now, a page of notes of which I posted before, where a little over halfway through the class I realized I'm more on a go-kart ride and less in a canoe. First time I ever had such semi-non-success and yet realized full well I'd be taking the class again next year and looking forward to the work involved in canoeing down the rapids slowly next time, or doing a furious set of paddling anyway.

On hearing of the Coffee Party now forming allegedly in opposition to the T Party (I say allegedly because I haven't really read anything about it - only heard blurbs, and we all now how informative blurbs can seem but not really be -) ... well, let me just say, I still endorse the PK Party and have considered changing the name (totally thought of another name today that started with P coincedentally, but absolutely can't seem to remember what it was or why it was such a great idea). But Here I part company and say calling it the COFFEE party to neatly fit with TEA party like RED fits with Blue and Elephant walks begrudgingly with Donkey, just seems too TRITE AND MARKETABLE AND MOST OF ALL IT
... it lets them set the tone of the debate and then we're taking our cues from them in some basic manner that leverages powerfully over time...
we're leaders of the new revolution
the children of the Hippie Legacy
they call us off-Planet, yet we are the Earth
they poison the sky and we show them how not to
they vox and charge and we let discourse be guided by reason
we can always win if we keep our framework and framing up to date, and current to the ever-faster changing needs of the people, and they'll do the same only more slowly.
We'll crucible out the facts while they blatantly make shit up.

So maybe the Coffee Party is awesome; the PK Party hasn't looked into it yet as far as I know. We'll see, and I'll definitely be looking that shit up on wikipedia and maybe huff post (even thought they always do sex and tiger woods off on the sidebar there and I just try to be fair about which news media sources I reject and why) and maybe read some conversation threads on websites and skim a "major" (corporate) media source. Good websites out there, but so god damn many, huh?

Oh, and I invented a new sentence symbol !? ?

!? ? as in ... Who ate my Nachos!? ? the subtext of which is ... Hey, who ate my Nachos [wtf! face] but also a serious question who was it, then a pause, then a brief transition into, ? ,oh wait, was it me who ate my Nachos? meek to pissed there at the end, depending on context.

So !? ? Why can't they make Ice Cream in space where it's cold!? ? ~maybe they have already...
and !? ? Glenn Beck!? ? ~ meh, he's an idiot [maybe the more worked up about idiot tv people I hardly ever see the more I play into their hands]

ok. I can't even say all what has been up and around for this long day... but I can tell I'm way more tired then when I usually write the end of a blogpost and say I'm really tired and that I could/should quit writing and sleep. But, I'm really not even kidding this time about how tired I am or how I totally could sleep and so really should quit writing, and go lay down and sleep, and because, like, I'm tired and could start imagining I'm the Kernal of an Abelian subgroup of a non-Abelian group, of Complex Crossed with Imaginary Numbers, and that, I'd gather would involve flying, and I like flying dreams, and dreams are pennies, and I'm too tired and crazy and brain fried to even know what the most important thing is that I should say last to sum up everything and zip the meaning into a cogent sachet of Philosophy beverage in a steaming mug, with Acai and Hibiscous which are dried and ready to bloom, like a non-Abelian subgroup with is the Kernel of an Abelian Factor Group.

i had to end that sentence before my nose got bloody, yeah?

whew, on with the show.


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